The Marvelous Plan of Reconciliation – Part: One

Further, our very existence, both spiritually and physically, are also dependent on our Lord’s atonement offering, for we would have ceased to be as Spirit embodiment, if the atonement were not already prepared, and to be carried forth, for because of sin and transgression, no man can self exist.

Time was something God created, so that we could learn by faith, to accept the Lord’s atonement, and not be obliterated. It’s something similar to dreaming during sleep, yet still having control over our actions. It’s a state that we can be judged for, but not eternally condemned. We may not understanding how the Lord’s atonement works both before and beyond its act of being wrought, but still it does, because it is an eternal act, and God is not subject to time the way we are. All things are present before our Father in Heaven, and all things proceed as one eternal round.

With the fall, the atonement, which grants an extension of life, and our probationary state, making salvation and exaltation possible, we can now, because of our Father’s marvelous plan of reconciliation, gain the knowledge, wisdom and experience necessary to have the foundation to become like Him, and receive all the blessings of inheritance He has, just as a child can grow up to eventually be as their parents.


My Life Triumph


Mother Eden – Our Home, Sweet Home


The Brimstone and Burning Defined: Part One

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